Big Data for Evidence Based of Public Policy

October 13, 2020 by : superadmin-jgpic

Big data holds vast potential for improving decision-making processes, policymaking, and services. Furthermore, how big data can be used in different phases of the public policy process (planning, design, delivery, and evaluation of public policies). The use of big data has been described in the areas of agenda-setting, problem definition, policy discussion, and citizen participation, with a focus on social media data. In the design phase, big data can contribute to policy formulation and information-based policy instruments – the techniques employed in this phase often have a predictive element. In the delivery phase, the focus lies on the real-time production of data and immediate feedback regarding the effectiveness of policies in order to improve future implementation processes. Furthermore, big data can be used for continuous evaluation of policies as part of all policy process phases. Governments can use new forms of big data analysis to understand citizens’ behavior and to improve public programs.

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